Review round-up - Three Day Hangover's TARTUFFE!

I think I can safely say that every single cast member had an absolute blast performing this show each night.  Playwright Jake Brandman wrote an incredible script and Three Day Hangover created another wild and hilarious theatre/drinking experience!  Run, don't walk to whatever they do next.

Leah Gabriel - Three Day Hangover's Tartuffe!

"The entire cast is hilarious and unpredictable ... Leah Gabriel is the perfect Doreen" - Stage Buddy

"Like most productions of Tartuffe, the breakout character is Doreen.  Leah Gabriel as the Australian maid brings the witty and dry humor that is unlike any other character. Gabriel's Doreen is truly the glue that keeps the family and show together." - Theater In The Now

 "The voice of sanity in this household is that of the housekeeper, Doreen.  Leah Gabriel is very engaging in this role – funny and a little seditious.  You feel for her as she pulls the one or another inept family member back from the brink."  - Front Row Center

"Tartuffe is blessed with an excellent ensemble. Not a single cast member misses a mark." - New York Theatre Review

"Beth Gardiner directs an impeccable ensemble of actors ... every actor in this production shines." - Theater Pizzazz